Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Getting closer to a sweater...

Saturday I went out to "the farm" to knit, and only took my sweater with me.  This turned out to be a GREAT idea, because instead of avoiding the endless stockinette, I finished the body of the sweater!  I only have the arms and cowl to go!  Maybe another week or two, and I will have a 100% wool sweater done just in sit in my closet until next fall :)

My springtime shawl is coming along though!  I can get 1 wedge a night done if I concentrate REALLY hard.  Tonight I only got 5 rows (out of a 28 row wedge) completed.  Meh.  I wasn't in the knitting mood tonight.  Here's a picture of how far I am though! I have 6 wedges (out of 13) I'm almost half way done!  I LOVE how this yarn switches colors.  In some of the close-ups you can really see the color changes.  

I've decided I like knitting lace, but I'm going to have to become more of a shawl/scarf person.  

1 comment:

  1. Bee-you-tea-full! Very impressive, lady
